Roof Terrace

roof terrace, table. shower, loungers
roof terrace, table. shower, loungers

The roof terrace is a sun worshippers paradise! But, having the pergola provides a sanctuary for those of us who like the climate, the fresh air but not direct sun for too long. 

roof terrace, al fresco dining, pergola
roof terrace, al fresco dining, pergola

Come dine on the roof terrace! Perfect al fresco dining with the pergola providing shade. Large dining table and six chairs with cushions provide a comfortable venue for home dining. The traditional charcoal BBQ with sink and small prep area make for easy dining experience. 

roof terrace, flowers, lemon tree, garden
roof terrace, flowers, lemon tree, garden

The views from the roof terrace are wonderful. Looking out to sea or around the Tramuntana Mountains. Watch the mountains change colour as the sun sets, the natural world at its best! The roof garden is a growing feature of the terrace, overhauled in 2020 we are gradually re-establishing the planting. 

Acron Sun - apartment rental | 2025 | Welcome to the sea & mountains
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